Local Conservative Councillors have put on record their opposition to the Labour government's proposed plans to water down protections for Green Belt land.
This is an important issue for Harrow as our borough has 1,090 hectares of land designated as Green Belt.
Currently, Green Belt land has considerable protection against development in order to preserve green and open spaces.
The Labour government has proposed blurring this definition by creating 'Grey Belt'. Grey Belt would refer to Green Belt land that is considered not be in good condition, and therefore of limited environmental or community value. Labour propose that for Grey Belt land the planning rules should be relaxed to allow for development.
Cllr Marilyn Ashton, Cabinet Member for Planning & Regeneration, said:
"The problem with this proposal is that it will encourage developers/landowners of Green Belt sites to allow their land to decline and fall into disrepair, which would then open it up for development.
The Labour government has failed to outline any protections against this abuse which could see thousands of hectares of Green Belt land deliberately allowed to fall into ruin.
Harrow Labour refused to support our concerns about the Green Belt and gleefully supported the Labour government's plan which will lead to a huge increase in our housing targets.
Harrow's Labour Councillors have proved once again that they cannot be trusted on planning."