At the September Full Council, Conservative Councillors proposed again that Harrow Council looks at implementing one hour free car parking for Harrow residents across all Council car parks.
Cllr Paul Osborn, Leader of Harrow Conservatives, said:
"Free parking will play an important part in helping our town and district centres recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Council needs to be doing everything it can to encourage residents to use Harrow's shops and travel safely in their own vehicles."
Unfortunately, Labour chose to vote against supporting local businesses and residents. This is the second time in a year that Harrow Labour has deliberately stopped the Council from supporting the borough's high streets.
Cllr Anjana Patel exposed the Labour Council's hypocrisy during the meeting. The Labour Council offers free parking to all staff, citing safety from exposure to Covid-19 by avoiding public transport. Cllr Patel pointed out that it seems to be one rule for the Labour Council and another rule for local people.
We need a Conservative Council which puts residents first and supports local businesses. You can read Harrow Conservatives one hour free parking motion via the attachment below. Watch Cllr Paul Osborn's speech HERE.