We are pleased to announce that the swimming pool at the Leisure Centre has now reopened.
We had to make the tough decision to close the pool back in March following a structural survey which showed that the roof above the pool had degraded severely.
While this was unpopular with some residents we will never compromise on the safety of our residents.
Following extensive repair works, the roof is now safe which has allowed the pool to reopen as normal.
We have been disappointed that Harrow’s Labour Group has attempted to launch petty political attacks at the Council over the issue.
They have criticised the Council for the decline of the Leisure Centre buildings, but they completely ignore the fact that when Labour ran Harrow Council from 2010 to 2022 they did not make any major investments in our leisure facilities.
The reason why the Leisure Centre received a structural survey at the beginning of this year was because the Conservative administration decided to carry out an audit of our leisure buildings, so that we understood their condition and what investment was needed to keep these buildings in good working order.
While Labour try to score political points, we will continue to work hard and ensure that residents have good quality and safe leisure facilities to enjoy.