Harrow's Conservative Council has announced plans to restore Winter Fuel Payments to 1,342 local pensioners who lost out due to the Labour government's cruel decision to cut this payment.
Harrow Council will be providing payments of £200 to pensioners under 80 years old and £300 to pensioners who are over 80 years old.
These payments will be going to pensioners who are not eligible for Pension Credit, but who are receiving Council Tax support due to their low level of income.
The Labour government is targeting older people to fund large pay outs for their trade union paymasters, and Harrow's Labour Councillors have failed to speak out against the government's appalling treatment of pensioners.
Meanwhile, local Conservative Councillors will continue to support vulnerable people in our community.
As well as restoring Winter Fuel Payments for 1,342 pensioners, we have also funded admin support to help eligible pensioners, who are not currently claiming Pension Credit, to complete the necessary paperwork to be able to receive Pension Credit.