The planning application to build tower blocks on Stanmore Station's car park has been refused permission by the Planning Committee on Harrow Council.
Ward representatives for Stanmore and Canons Park, Cllr Marilyn Ashton, Cllr Philip Benjamin, and Cllr Ameet Jogia made the case against the development which would have been an overdevelopment of the site. Stanmore is known for its suburban neighbourhoods and leafy avenues, the proposed large tower blocks would have been deeply inappropriate for the character of the area.
Cllr Ashton, the Conservative spokesperson for Planning, also tried to propose that the development would do significant harm to the open setting and character of the Kerry Avenue Conservation Area and adjacent Locally Listed Station Building.
Unfortunately, Labour chose not to support Conservatives Councillors in adding the negative effect of the development on the conservation area as another reason for refusal. Yet again, Labour Councillors have shown that they don't care about Stanmore.